Hello everyone, 

We hope you Fall season has been blessed so far. We've had quite a warm Autumn, something that seems strange to write and yet we re quite thankful for. We still haven't brough out our winter coats, but as the rain falls and temperatures drop, we know it won't be long. The month of October has been one full of joys and challenges. Here are some of those highlights. 

It was a month of visits, We were visited by fellow pastors like David Downs from CC Torino, Mike's former apologetics professor Yannick Imbert and Vanessa McElroy who our church adopted as a missionary. Vanessa was on her way back to Ukraine and stopped by for a little rest. We had her share on Sunday and the church really responded in a way we've never seen before. This is pretty exciting for us as it became evident the Lord was touching people's hearts. After her trip, the elders and Mike prayed about it and decided to adopt her a sour first missionary. This comes also at a good time because it corresponds in a way to our prayers about the new facility. Our goal is not just a new place, but a total transformation. We have bene praying for two months now, that God would provide while doing a new work in our hearts. What we've seen in this venture of faith is the beginning. Part of a transformed Church must include one that is looking out and one that is willing to serve in the city as well as internationally. The sweet blessing in regards to the building is that, since we've been praying, the room we wanted for the youth has been open to us for no extra charge and the owner has repainted the whole room! it seems like the Lord is already showing us unexpected provision.

With this kind of blessing, there is an accompanying challenge. This time is famously busy, since covid has become less and less of a concern here in the Paris area, we've noticed people have returned to work with a new frenzy. This can be disheartening when we see people less that we've come to rely on, by the time the weekend hits are too exhausted to worship with us. We understand too that when we undertake something of the Lord there will always be push back, attacks from within and without. Such is also our case. This Sunday we will have a meeting with the leadership team in the church were we can review our goals, discuss our challenges, and pray together. Please pray for us. Meetings like these can be key in moving things forward but they are easily turned negative. our prayer is that the Lord would unite our hearts to His and to each other as we move forward. In a word - we need revival!

Another wonderful highlight was the first conference of the Calvary Chapel Churches in France. Pierre did an amazing job organizing and mediating but there was so much of a communal effort made on all levels. Each family cooked a meal for the whole group, the children were cared for by a team including Becky who taught a session, and Sophie helped as well as a special craft. Mike taught on peace, and Pierre taught on grace, Tonio led worship and everyone participated in many different ways. We had beautiful weather, renewed friendships, especially between our kids and the Flores teens. There was also needed time devoted to talking about some difficult issues but in the end we came home glad (and exhausted) for the time well spent. Than you for your prayers.

On the home front, we are praying that Abby and Kris will find a new apartment close to where we live. Dave and Sophie are doing well this year in school, both working on homework as I write. Becky is really enjoying her studies, using all she's learning almost daily but she could use prayer for strength to make it through. Mike was honored to be asked by CalvaryChapel.com to contribute a monthly article to the website. God bless you this month and may your Thanksgiving celebration be rich and joyful. 

In Jesus, 

Mike and Becky



Last Sunday we had "Tapas and Testimonies" a really fund way to get to know each other!


This was taken at the CCF retreat during one of the sessions


Vanessa sharing at church