Hello all and happy June! 

We pray and hope the summer months are starting off well for you all. We know here they are quickly getting filled up with every kind of event and gathering possible, and we love it. The last two months have been a lot of prep work for the upcoming weeks and we're excited to see how it pays off. We have both been working on a lot of VBS (here its called "Grest") prep and so far the church has over 40 kids signed up to attend! We also had about 30 people attend out last English conversation night, and one girl who has been attending them lately just gave her life to The Lord in the last few weeks! Praise Jesus!


The month of June is a busy one here, so there will be lots to pray over. Next week there will be a team from Reno, NV coming to help with VBS and a few other things such as a worship night and another English conversation night. They'll be here for about 2 weeks so we're really looking forward to all that they are here to help with. 

At the end of this month our sister church will also be hosting an event with main speaker David Guzik, so that will be a great thing to be praying over. 

We are so excited to see all that the Lord will do through all these different events as they are some of the biggest outreaches of the year. 


On the personal side of things, we are coming to some big points in life this summer too! This month we will have been married for 2 years, and this summer we will have been here in Feltre for 1 year! Crazy how time flies. As for our personal prays we are asking and seeking guidance from The Lord that he might open up an opportunity for a larger house/apartment whenever He sees fit and provide the finances for it, so that we might plant deeper roots here, host more often and grow our family more over the years we are here. We also have a lot of large payments coming up such as insurance and things for the car, so we are praying that we plan accordingly and are wise in our choices. Lastly, we are really hoping, if we are able, to come back and visit the states at the end of summer or during the holidays. We have to first make sure it is doable and then wait to get Violet's passport which we have an appointment for on July 2nd (yay!). It will be our first time back since we've moved, and our family's first time seeing Violet since she was born. 


We are so thankful for all our support, prayers and encouragement, and have been so blessed to see our family in Christ just surround us and petition on our behalf for so many things in our life. I often think about Esther and how much effort she put in to protecting people she didn't even know, just because they were her people. All of you are so much like that in your prayers and petitions for us and mostly for the people of Feltre. We know that everyone here is so thankful for you all as family in Christ. We love you all!


With love,

Paul, Rebekah & Violet Fox