Please send us your prayer requests/needs, we would love to pray for you. Email your prayer requests to
Prayer Requests from Missionaries Jackelin, Samuel & William Gaude.
Capilla del Calvario Emanuel Church
Los Cocos, Nicaragua, Central América. Dec 2, 2021.
- Thank God, Pastor Arcenio is in good health, thank you very much for praying for him.
- Please pray for brother Norberto and his family, he is teaching in our church.
- Pray for the children's ministry that God continues to provide so that we continue to help children in need, giving them food and whatever, they need.
- God has been good to us, and He has provided so that we could buy the ceramic tile for the floor of the children's ministry building.
- Pray for Ninoska, my children and for me, we are planning to attend the missions conference in Costa Mesa in January 2, 2022, that God be keeping us and providing for our every need.
- Pray for the special service we have planned at our church on December 31st. May the Holy Spirit touch hearts and the unsaved come to Christ.
- Pray may God keep providing for the construction materials as we are working little by little in the construction of the study of our radio station El Shaddai near our church building.
- Pray for sister Sobeida Ruiz, she has not felt well.
- Prayer for sister Halsajiry Aguilar, she suffers from chronic asthma.
- Pray please for sister Reina Guido, who will soon give birth to her baby.
- Pray for all the brothers and sisters who serve in our ministry that God may bless them and fill them with wisdom.
- Please pray for my son Samuel Gaude who has a cyst on his right hand and it hurts. According to his pediatrician, he may need surgery.
- Please pray, may God keep providing for all the ministry´s needs.
Sanctions from the USA & other countries against Nicaragua for human rights abuses. The reason why cost of living has increased, & our electric bill is very high we pay each month.
We continue to feed all the children at our church services. Also giving provision foods to each family. Used clothing is given to those in need.
We live by faith trusting in God for our financial needs. God has been taking care of us all these years we have been serving him here on the Mission field. Please pray for God’s provision. Know if you donate to us, its tax-deductible. Thank you.
Please visit our Web site at this
- Please see picture attachment files with this email below >>>
Would you like to support this mission in Nicaragua? You can donate as follows: You can donate online to us missionaries. Click on the link below to donate with your credit card or PayPal account.
To donate to us on-line via Go! Ministries web page, please click on the below link:
Here is our account information for our Missionary account: Gaudé, Jackelin Los Cocos, Leon, Nicaragua, account # 1139. For an online donation.
You can also donate by sending a personal check or money order in the mail:
Simply make your check or money order payable to “Go! Ministries” and mail it to:
GO! Ministries
PO BOX 7035
Norco, CA 92860
Please do not write the name of us Missionaries in the payable area of the check.
Please write the account (#1139) and name: Jackelin Gaudé in the memo area of your check and / or on a post-it sticker along with your check.
- Please pray with us for God to supply our needs according to His will and time. We live by faith and put our trust in Him. And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
Thank you for praying & supporting us here on the Mission field.
Love to all in Jesus
Jackelin Gaudé & sons Samuel & William
Prayer Request for Afghanistan
August 2021
The link below gives a list of prayers requested for Afghanistan Christians:
Prayer Requests from Missionary Jackelin Gaudé
Capilla del Calvario Emanuel Church
Los Cocos, Nicaragua, Central América. March 2, 2021
1- Please pray for the ministry, may God continue providing for all the needs of the ministry. This month we painted the metal bars of the church building. We need to paint the metal roof of the children's ministry, because it's starting to rust.
2- In the children's ministry we continue to teach the children the word of God and we give them food every Sunday, they are from poor families and sometimes that is the only meal they eat in the day. May God continue to provide for the children's ministry.
3- Please pray for brother Alonso Mayorga, hi is a member of our church, he is sick and needs to be hospitalized, we went to visit him and pray for him, we gave him some money so that he could go to the hospital.
4- Please pray for Hector Hernandez, he gave his heart to Jesus, he is a new member of our church, we went to his house to pray for him because he is sick, he has chronic kidney failure, he is on dialysis.
5- Sister Sobeida Ruiz is feeling better, she and her future husband are congregating in our church.
6- Please pray for brother Cristobal Duarte, he is teaching in the church during the week, he has chronic kidney failure, in the hospital they did some blood tests to him and the results were bad. He is on dialysis.
7- Please pray for my children Samuel and William Gaude, they are going to a private Christian school, they and their classmates are using all the necessary measures to protect themselves from the virus. May God continue to provide to pay for their school.
8- Radio Shaddai's ministry continues, we are putting the teachings of our Pastor Michael Gaude and other Calvary Chapel pastors on the air so that people can hear the sound doctrine of the word of God. Many Christian and non-Christian call us asking for prayer.
9- Please Pray for brother Vladimir who is a new member in our church, before accepting Jesus as his savior, he tried to commit suicide, and God gave him an opportunity to live, he gave his heart to Jesus, he is very poor and is looking for a job to support His family, his profession is to be a chef, he is serving in the church cooking for the children's ministry on Sundays as a chef.
Thank you for praying & supporting us here on the Mission field.
Love to all in Jesus,
Jackelin Gaudé & sons Samuel & William
A Little Update From the Dente's and CC Paris
February 27, 2021
We hope this newsletter finds you doing well and in good health!
We first wanted to thank you for your prayers for the Calvary Chapel France Association. On February 10th we met together and voted in the new organization. The timing of this couldn’t be better as the government is working on its latest laws concerning the separation between church and state to fight against separatist movements. As for the meeting itself, it couldn’t have gone better. It was positive, there was laughter and it was quick. This is not usually how these types of meetings go, and we really take this as a special blessing from the Lord. Pierre was voted president, Steve Cyr from La Rochelle is the new treasurer, Max is the secretary and Mike is also on the administrative council. In the next few weeks, the paperwork will be filed to the Prefecture in Nice and the more practical side of the association can begin.
Another great blessing has been seeing a few young believers in the group grow in their walk. Becky and Mike are meeting with those they are discipling. Two of them are moving towards baptism and one of them is really beginning to learn how to walk with the Lord. It’s sweet to see God working in this way as He also is in the women’s ministry. They have been meeting once a week for tea, fellowship, or Bible studies. Everyone that goes has been so encouraged. Thank you for your prayers!
Another encouraging, if not unforgettable moment this month was when Mike got to participate in a ceremonial meeting of the parents between a couple that will be getting married in April. The future husband’s family comes from the Ivory Coast and his fiancée’s family grew up in France although they have a distant Haitian background. The ceremony was a combination of the three cultures where there were symbolic gifts, speeches, and celebrating under the eye of the pastor (Mike) who served as a spiritual authority vouching for the couple to the parents. Although it was such an amazing celebration, it was limited because of the Covid restrictions to a small number of people and, alas, no dancing or feasting… Mike and Becky spent many months discipling and working through pre-marriage counseling with them. Because of Covid, they will have their official wedding before the State with a quiet family ceremony with the plans of a bigger celebration in July.
Here is a bullet list of a few prayers and challenges we face this month :
- An Iranian refugee couple that we’ve ministered to as a church was delivered this month from a Muslim family making death threats against them. It's quite a miracle but please pray their dossier moves through the system and allows them to seek safer housing.
- We have our General Assembly this month. It should go easier but as the date approaches, the to-do list is growing. Please pray we can be ready and it goes well.
- Covid restrictions are tightening. There are many government rumors/leaks. Please pray for us to be able to stay current and more importantly, stay open!
- A surge of non-christian “significant others” has hit the church. Please pray God would help us to help these singles.
- We are getting some serious inquiries about our house. Please pray it will sell and the Lord will provide a place closer to the church, if not the miracle place in Paris!
- Please pray for Mike and Becky’s studies to be fruitful for the kingdom and they would finish well.
- People to get saved!
Love in Jesus
Mike and Becky Dente

Trying to get a hike in and a little change of scenery before curfew.
February 26, 2021
An Update and Prayer Request from Alex in El Salvador
Patmos virtual discipleship.
Tomorrow, February 27th we will kick off the first-ever Patmos virtual discipleship. Instead of the normal 4 months, 24/7 style discipleship school, we will begin with a month and a half of online learning.
Please be in prayer for the following students:
-Marvin, 29 years old. Lives in Belize. Working and wants to go deeper in his relationship with Jesus. Has a calling to missions.
-Fabricio, 19 years old. Lives in San Salvador, just graduated high school, serves at the central church, and has a gift with children.
-Steven, lives in Sunzal (beach town in El Salvador), surfer, his mom is the only Christian in his family, he has a desire to know The Lord more and share His transforming power with others.
-Lucrecia, 19 years old, only female in the group, recently graduated high school, serves with young adults ministry at the central church and children's ministry, very gifted in creativity and strong potential for leadership.
-Geovany, 19 years old, serves at one of the church plants in El Salvador (he is from the area where the church was planted), a very servicial and youth leader.
Additionally, I wanted to share how The Lord is working through the church book club. The church employees, specifically maintenance and office workers gather together every day to discuss the topics raised in the daily lecture that Pastor Carlos sends out. It has been incredibly edifying for them as all conversations at work are constantly about The Lord and His Word.
Prayer for wisdom and guidance as many are parents and have children going to school virtually which has been quite a challenge for the entire country.
Above are some pictures of the group together, and celebrating a birthday.
February 2021
Prayer Requests from La Capilla Central (Calvary Chapel El Salvador)
- For a fervent desire for the congregation to be creative in discipling and sharing The Gospel.
- For the countless children, we cannot reach due to government restrictions.
- Protection from the virus and comfort to those suffering.
- Wisdom and guidance for the new year
February 2021
Prayer Requests from La Capilla San Rafael (Calvary Chapel San Rafael)
- Pastor Marcelo, his wife Elsy, and their team to continue serving in God's health.
- Hearts to be opened to the Word of God and for more of the congregation to want to serve.
- God's provision for the needs of the mission.
- Continued protection from COVID.
- Health and provision for those living in this distant region.
February 2021
Prayer Requests from La Capilla Quezaltepeque (Calvary Chapel Quezaltepeque)
- That God would continue to open up hearts to receive salvation.
- That members of the congregation would step up and serve in the parking lot ministry or hospitality team.
- For God's provision in the life of Pastor Francisco and the congregation.
- For health and protection.
Prayer Requests from La Capilla San Vicente (Calvary Chapel San Vicente)
- Hearts to be opened to The Gospel.
- Strength for Pastor Hugo and his team of servants.
- Protection from the virus.
- Provision for the members of the congregation.
Prayer Requests from Missionaries Michael & Jackelin Gaudé
Capilla del Calvario Emanuel Church
Los Cocos, Nicaragua, Central América May 5, 2020
- Jackelin’s niece Rachel (Jasmina & Bernardo’s little girl) who is 5 years old went to the hospital in the city of Leon Sunday night where she had to have her appendix surgically removed. She is doing better now and looks like she is going to be okay.
- COVID 19 virus, it is unknown how many cases exist in this country because the government has only announced low numbers but the hospitals state more. This country is not in shutdown. Very few churches have closed. We have suspended our weekday services but continue to hold Sunday church service with good attendance. Nobody in our church has symptoms. We continue to serve God. Pray for God’s protection.
- Jackelin and other members of the family went to the rural town called Los Mangles to visit their Aunt Mercedes where we gave children’s clothes as it is a poor area. Pray for the children in this area.
- We also went to visit Jackelin’s great Uncle Jose and his family. He is the same man whom I led to the Lord a couple of months ago. Jose cannot read so we sent him a Spanish-talking Bible donated by the Blessing for Obedience ministry. So for the last month or so Jose has been listening to the Bible at night. He has some knowledge now about the O.T. I gave him guidance to also listen to the Gospels as well. Pray for the rest of his family as they are unsaved and there is no church in their area.
- Cristobol shares his testimony at church. He was living in sin, He was dying at the brink of death's door, and His wife Ava has just rededicated her life to Christ. He is still on dialysis.
- My wife’s cousin Patricio Perez and family return to our church as members. They were kicked out of where they were living, so Dave and Ninoska Budgen had them move into their home. Patricio now has a radio program on our low-power radio station. Pray for his ministry and family.
- God heals Brother Alonso whom we prayed for who had heart and left arm pain, now completely well and back in fellowship. His wife Zoraida continues to minister to the children. Their son Angel got a construction job along with Brother Juan. They both have to work 7 days a week so pray they stay close to the Lord.
- Borders closed here in Nicaragua also the Managua international airport is closed as well. There is no mail delivery from the US at this time. Pray that mail delivery would return as we have some dear Saints who would like to send us packages.
- Another anonymous donation came in towards our church for doors and windows for the children’s facility and church kitchen project. P.T.L.
- We have just learned from a Doctor friend of ours that there is an outbreak of COVID 19 in the nearby city of Chinandega.
- Our boy's school still shutdown, we are homeschooling them with close contact with their teachers.
- Victor rededicates his life to Christ and has been restored
Love to all in Jesus,
Michael & Jackelin Gaudé & sons Samuel & William
Urgent Prayer Request for Nicaragua
Please keep Nicaragua in your prayers.
The government is not taking any sort of precautions. They are encouraging social gatherings and are telling the kids they should be attending school.
The hospital employees are threatened with losing their jobs if they report cases of the Virus (which are occurring).
Only 9 cases are reported but with rumors of 100s and deaths that have been labeled as pneumonia.
The president has been in hiding and the people are suffering.
Prayer Requests from Missionaries Michael & Jackelin Gaudé
Capilla del Calvario Emanuel Church—Los Cocos, Nicaragua, Central América
April 8, 2020
1. For Alonzo Mayorga has been having lots of pain in his left arm and his left chest area. We helped him to see a specialist and go to the Hospital where they ruled out his heart. Pray for His complete healing.
2. For Jackelin's sister, Jasmina who had a fall on her head has been seeing double with dizziness. That God would heal her.
3. Ninoska just had her operation removing a growth in her mouth. She is doing better P.T.L.
4. Elijah age 2 was admitted to the health center with a fever, then had to go to a private Doctor. He does not have coronavirus (C.V.). thank you, Lord.
5. Our Church members are closer to God than ever. We are doing what we can to keep them safe from the C.V. We are putting our faith in the Lord to protect us in this difficult time.
6. Our two boys have not been able to go to school because their school is closed due to the C.V. threat. Jackelin has been helping them stay up to date with their homework as she remains in close contact with their teachers via WhatsApp.
7. We were able to do repairs on our low-power FM broadcast radio station as it was off the air. We are using our radio station more than ever, with live broadcasts, sound doctrine Bible teaching, praise music, & live church services. There are a lot of people who call in and listen. We have given out portable radio receivers to a couple of members of our church so they can tune in to our broadcasts. More radios are needed.
8. For sister Maria Duarte & family are discriminated against for being Christians.
9. Angel Mayorga age 18 rededicated his life to Christ at our outdoor outreach.
10.Jose Alberto Caballero age 15 gives his heart to Christ at a special service we had for Cristobal whom God miraculously brought back from the brink of death.
11. We lost friendship with Pastor Santo Gonzales as his denomination (A.G.) put pressure on him not to fellowship with us. We thank God that we do not do that kind of thing as we are independent of competition and shunning others. But this happens to us. We continue to love and spread unity even though we have opposition.
12. Solar Panel importation finally arrived yesterday. We had to pay fees, taxes, and transportation costs. This was months in the making. Special thanks to all those who were involved.
13. An anonymous donation for our children’s ministry facility project was received for the raising of the walls.
14. The coronavirus is now in Nicaragua. There are some cases near where we live. The government here is doing nothing of help/aid against the C.V. They have a cover-up as to how many cases there really are in-country. The health care situation here is very bad and limited. We are taking measures to not get contaminated. Some deny that the C.V. even exists here.
Sanctions from the USA & other countries against Nicaragua for human rights abuses. The reason why the cost of living has increased, & our electric bill is very high we pay each month.
We continue to feed all the children at our church services. Also giving provision foods to each family. Used clothing is given to those in need.
We live by faith trusting in God for our financial needs. God has been taking care of us all these years we have been serving him here on the Mission field. Please pray for God’s provision. Know if you donate to us, it's tax-deductible. Thank you.
Please visit our Web site at this link:
Would you like to support this mission in Nicaragua? You can donate as follows: You can donate online to our missionaries. Click on the link below to donate with your credit card or PayPal account.
To donate to us on-line via Go! Ministries web page, please click on the below link:
Here is our account information for our Missionary account: Gaudé, Michael & Jackelin Los Cocos, Leon, Nicaragua, account # 1139. For an online donation.
You can also donate by sending a personal check or money order in the mail:
Simply make your check or money order payable to “Go! Ministries” and mail it to:
Go! Ministries
270 East Palais Rd.
Anaheim, CA 92805
Please do not write the name of us Missionaries in the payable area of the check.
Please write the account (#1139) and name: Michael Gaudé in the memo area of your check and/or on a post-it sticker along with your check.
Thank you for praying & supporting us here on the Mission field.
Love to all in Jesus,
Michael & Jackelin Gaudé & sons Samuel & William

I finally feel like I can give an update because things seem to be steady for a while now, I hesitated for a while because things were changing every day when I first got here. But first I'll explain what has happened up till now. The other students and I (three other girls and two boys) got here the day before a travel ban was set on Italy, we see this as God's divine hand getting us here just in time. When we first got here life was pretty normal except we had to stay 1 meter away from each other while out. For the following week, things got more and more strict; first, all nonessential stores closed, but we could still go on walks and go to the store and such. Then we were only allowed to go out to go to the stores, no walks or exercise outdoors, suddenly we found ourselves needing to "go to the store" at least once a day haha! Now we have been under the newest circumstances which say we can only stay within 200 meters of where we live and can only go to the nearest store. Everywhere we go we must have a paper that has our name, passport number, and address because there is a lot of police around who could very well stop us.
However, though we cannot leave our apartments we are still having classes over Skype and thankfully 2 of our 4 teachers live in the same apartment building as us so we get to see them often! Plus we also have church, discipleship, and prayer nights over Skype every week.
We know that God is in control and that he brought us here for a reason so we stand confident in His faithfulness. I can see that God is teaching me many things including what it means to "know that he is God" and how to lend grace when I don't feel like it because His "grace is sufficient". I have also been learning to truly believe that "God is good" and finding comfort in simple truths. My struggles have been many but His blessings more. "This I know, God is for me" (Psalm 56:9). As to my struggles here, there has been a lot of news from home that I wish I could be there for, friends and family struggling and I continue to wish that I could be there for them instead of stuck in an apartment. However, The Lord is teaching me that
“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” -Oswald Chambers.
So to conclude, prayer requests that I have and some that I have felt on my heart that I'd like you to join me in:
-This all be to God's glory. May we begin to pray for revival now!
-That if it is God's time this ban be lifted, nevertheless "Thy will be done"
-For all the CCBC students who have been sent home (I believe the only ones left are Italy, Peru, Mexico, and NYC)
-That I remember God's work will be done no matter where I am, so may I learn to thrive wherever He has me at each moment.
-For all the other students here, we try to remember that Paul was stuck in prison for much longer, but we still want to go on walks lol.
Thank you and hopefully, I will have more good news when I email next ("all things work together for good for those who love Him, to those that are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28). To finally end I want to share a quote that I've found super encouraging over this time of quietness:
"I think the devil has made it his business to monopolize on three elements: noise, hurry, and crowds. If he can keep us hearing radios, gossip, conversation, or even sermons, he is happy. But he will not allow silence...Satan is quite aware of the power of silence. The voice of God, though persistent, is soft...let is resist the devil in this by avoiding noise as much as we can, purposefully seeking to spend time alone, facing ourselves in the Word...Satan is aware of where we find our strength. May he not rob us!" -Jim Elliot from The Shadow of the Almighty.
-God Bless!
Rebekah White
Prayer Request from Jim and Margie Stewart in Padova, Italy:
Wow, we are really under a region-wide Coronavirus lockdown. In a village 15 kilometers from us a man died and many have the virus, it has doubled between Padova and Milano in just one day. 2 deaths so far and
everything is being shut down. Our hospital is completely locked down with people still trapped inside. The Government authorities are very frightened. Hospitals, businesses, all schools and universities, public, events, and Carnival Celebration from here to Venice have been closed and canceled for the next 2 weeks at least. We canceled church since Padova province is the epicenter for the virus in Veneto. Even the Catholic church canceled all masses today. Pray for us since the shelves are emptying fast around here. Margie and I will venture into the supermarket today and stock up on a few things.

Prayer Request from Mike and Becky Dente in Paris:
Bonjour Les Amis!
We would like to begin by thanking you for your prayers and support this last month with all its challenges due to the social movements. It’s a strange time in French/Parisian history and thankfully the conflict is slowing down between the government and the syndicates. That means people are returning to church. Last Sunday we were back to capacity again and it was such a joy to see! The church truly is a family and that was a great reminder of the dearness of each person and our desire to see more people saved in and around where God has planted us.
This new month is opening with some beautiful new projects. We will begin pre-marriage counseling with two couples. One of these couples will be getting married on the second Saturday in March. They will have many people come from all over and our church will be actively involved in the organization. Please pray as these events can be stressful and we don’t want to lose sight of the joyful union we want to celebrate. But people are still recovering from the fatigue of the ongoing strike and seasonal sicknesses. Let's be honest, sometimes communication can break down. Our prayer is that this would be a unifying moment, a joyful one that will bring many blessings! Please pray for the other couple to hear from the Lord. Though they haven't set a date yet, they are walking down the path that leads to marriage in starting pre-marriage counseling. Please pray for discernment for them, spiritual strength, and provision.
This month the women’s ministry will be quite active. They have some great studies and activities planned (including a gift exchange!). Please pray for them as this is such an important moment of fellowship and discipleship. Also please pray for the mid-week studies on apologetics. They have been so fruitful for those that come, and since we have them in a café, they are very interesting for the eavesdropping Parisians too! Maybe someone will get saved?
We would also ask for prayer for our sweet refugee family that has been coming since summer. Normally, they would be sent to another part of France but it appears they will stay at least for some more time in the Paris region. They are such a joy but their bodies have a hard time fighting the average European cold and flu season and they are struggling. Also, the wife is pregnant and some have been pressuring her to abort. Please pray for strength and protection. Lastly, they want to get baptized. We need to find a good discipleship/baptism preparation program translated into Persian and English. This will also serve in their integration process so we need some sort of paper materials. We have a lead on something but if anyone knows more, please let us know. One of the other Iranian refugees who come has recently been sent to another town, please keep her in your prayers.
On a personal side, please pray as we have people looking at our house to buy it and pray that we would get a good price and find a better place closer to Paris. As we’ve shared, we calculated and realized we could reduce our daily living costs, commute for everyone, and be more accessible to the church. Some have asked and the neighborhood where the church is located is one of the most expensive in the city. That is why it is so convenient for people in the church to get there though! We feel we could equally be effective on a train line with 30km (18miles) less to drive into the city. Also, please keep Kris and Abby in your prayers, Kris is looking to get into the right language learning program. Please pray he can start right away.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. We will be back in the Seattle area for a short week in March. We hope to see as many of you as we can!
In Jesus
Mike and Becky
Urgent Prayer Request from Michael Gaudé:

This morning Fri Nov 29th, Missionaries David and Ninoska Budgen’s son Isaac age 12 was rushed to the hospital where they examined him and found that he has a ruptured appendix. At present, at 10:30 AM he is in an emergency being operated on right now. We do not know if he will live or die. They have been trying to contact Isaac’s biological father Luis to come to the hospital. Please pray that God would guide the surgeon’s hands and that He would pull through all okay. That God would heal Isaac completely in Jesus' name, amen.
Prayer Requests from Missionaries Michael & Jackelin Gaudé
Capilla del Calvario Emanuel Church
Los Cocos, Nicaragua, Central América November 2, 2019
- A young 9-year-old boy named Dilan died of some illness related to rats or other animals. We would have wanted to get him to the hospital sooner but did not know that he was so ill as his family was living way up the Volcano Telica where Juan’s farm property is in a remote location. The parents of the child my wife’s Uncle Yelman and Maria waiting just too long in letting us know so we could get their boy to the hospital in time. Pastor Arcenio and I did anoint the boy with oil and pray for him a couple of days before he died, but it was his time to go to heaven. The parents who are not married have two other little girls. Please pray that they would live closer to us and our church so we could be available to help them. That they would get married as we could pay for that. There are folks so poor that they don’t get married as they cannot afford it. Also for a job for Yeoman. He is a hard worker but unemployment is very high here.
- We enjoyed a visit from a longtime friend and brother in the Lord David Towgood. Dave encouraged us and we had a great time of fellowship. Dave is praying about coming back with family members as God wills next year.
- Sister Meliania’s daughters have some kind of illness that is a family trait only one has lived past puberty.
- We visited Sister Teofilia who had a near-death experience where she has a testimony of going to heaven and coming back to life to tell about it. We gave her money for medicine as she has kidney problems. Needs a doctor's attention and lab exams.
- We are praying about God’s will and provision to travel as a family to Sou. Calif. to attend the Missions Conference, and visit our dear supporters. We have not been for 5 years. We would need homes to stay in for God to provide for airfare.
- Pray for Cristobal as he has fallen back into sin with an affair. His mother Maria remains faithful to the Lord but Cristobal hasn’t been to church in a long time.
- Our boy’s teacher Liliam’s husband died from a drunk driver who crashed into him when he was riding his bike. Pray for their family as they are in the morning. We gave them a donation to help them out.
- We continue to feed all the children at our church services. Also giving provision foods to each family. Used clothing is given to those in need.
- Sanctions from the USA, Canada & the U.N. against Nicaragua. The reason why the cost of living has increased, & our electric bill is very high we pay each month.
- We live by faith trusting in God for our financial needs. God has been taking care of us all these years we have been serving him here on the Mission field. Please pray for God’s provision. Know if you donate to us, it's tax-deductible. Thank you.
Please visit our Web site at this link:
Would you like to support this mission in Nicaragua? You can donate as follows: You can donate online to our missionaries. Click on the link below to donate with your credit card or PayPal account.
To donate to us on-line via Go! Ministries web page, please click on the below link:
Here is our account information for our Missionary account: Gaudé, Michael & Jackelin Los Cocos, Leon, Nicaragua, account # 1139. For an online donation.
You can also donate by sending a personal check or money order in the mail:
Simply make your check or money order payable to “Go! Ministries” and mail it to:
Go! Ministries
270 East Palais Rd.
Anaheim, CA 92805
Please do not write the name of us Missionaries in the payable area of the check.
Please write the account (#1139) and name: Michael Gaudé in the memo area of your check and/or on a post-it sticker along with your check.
- Please pray with us for God to supply our needs according to His will and time. We live by faith and put our trust in Him. And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
- Ham radio schedule every Sunday from 8:00 p.m. UTC to 23:00 UTC, on 14.319 MHz +/- QRM on the B.F.O. net, my call sign is YN3M.
Thank you for praying & supporting us here on the Mission field.
Love to all in Jesus, Michael & Jackelin Gaudé & sons Samuel & William
URGENT Call to Pray for Syria
Thousands of Christians Face Exile or Extinction
JERUSALEM, Israel - Turkish-led jihadist troops advancing on a Syrian Christian town could begin an ethnic cleansing campaign in the next few hours, attorney and religious freedom advocate Lauren Homer tells CBN News.
Homer, an attorney with Law and Liberty International, has been working with Christians and other religious minorities in Northeast Syria for years. These groups enjoyed religious freedom under a new democratic government there called the Self Administration of Northeast Syria (SANES).
She warns, “150,000 Christians in Northeast Syria face extinction or exile AT THIS VERY MOMENT due to savage attacks by Turkey’s President Erdogan.” She's asking American Christians to pray and to encourage their pastors to pray to hold special prayers on Sunday for their brothers and sisters in peril and contact those leaders who can make a difference. Click here to read the full article
Mike and Becky Dente
August 28, 2019
We hope you had a great summer. Ours was more eventful than expected but restful too. This last month especially was filled with some pretty major events. As we close this summer chapter, I would like to introduce you to some of the new faces of Calvary Chapel Paris. As it has grown a bit over the summer months, while many of the regular church members have been on vacation, we have been able to pour into the new people that have made CC Paris their home.
Meet S. He is a gypsy, living in the gypsy community in Paris. He came to the Lord and has a heart to minister to his fellow gypsies. Though he works often all night, he still comes to all Bible studies, wants to get baptized. We’ve tried a few times but he seems to get called into work when we get a moment free. As I write this we currently calling every day trying to get a moment free to bring him to the lake! S. brings people to hear the Gospel and is asking Mike to train him to teach the Word to his people. Literacy is an issue, but nothing is too big for our God! Please pray for Mike and S.
Meet G’s family. They are Iranian refugees. They speak Farsi and Turkish so one of the brothers in the church has been translating the sermons for them (into Turkish). Then, during the question and answer time, they come to the front of the church with their cell phones and use Google translate to understand. Praise the Lord for translation apps! They have been so glad to be in France and part of the church, and Dave has made friends with their son. They cannot go back to Iran since becoming Christians but despite all that they have been through, they are joy-filled, helpful, eager to be part of any outreach or work that we are doing!
Meet B. She had been living a double life, walking around with a burden of guilt and shame. The police department had called her, and asked her questions, and asked her to come in for follow-up questions. But, the Lord convicted her and told her to confess to a completely different issue. So, she called Becky to set up a counseling session for her and Mike. The three of them talked and prayed, and she agreed to not hide from the police, but to go in, and confess to everything. She did ask that we go in with her while she confesses, which we did. Well, the day of, the police captain wouldn’t hear anything of it, and only would listen to the one case she was working on. So, B. can get a lawyer, knowing that she tried to confess and now she can truly get right with the law.
Meet K. She has been a Christian for over twenty years. She is more of an artistic, free spirit, and every time she has thought of getting baptized, she has talked herself out of it. We invited her and her husband over for a BBQ this summer and she asked if she could get baptized. It took three tries but eventually, it worked out and she did get baptized on a lovely lake near our home. We had to talk some fishermen out of their fishing hole at the last minute!
Speaking of baptism, our own Sophie also got baptized this summer as well! She was very excited to show us that it is her faith in Christ and not just ours that she is following. Also, Emma recommitted her life to the Lord during her mission trip to the UK and was re-baptized. God has truly overwhelmed us with good blessings and as could be expected the spiritual fight is on for them. Please pray they hold firm and grow in their walk this year.
*** Let’s talk about some new events coming up this month:
We are still praying about two services in the fall. It is a bit nerve-wracking because in the past when we add a second service we end up losing people… It is a strange phenomenon… But we’ve counted chairs and there is just not enough for everyone. Please pray that if we do make the switch people will work with us and we grow. We love each member of CC Paris and want to serve them better.
***Here is a quick list of other requests for the new ministry year:
- Please pray for the lady's Bible Study that is going to have its kickoff on September 14th.
- The youth group is also about to start up again.
- The All Church Retreat on October 4 - 6.
- The outreach to physically clean up Rue de l’Hirondelle on September 22nd.
- For all the students as they are light in their schools.
- For Mike as he is looking into some ideas to better organize our Dammartin Bible study.
Also, this last bit of news just came in—Becky was asked to teach at a ladies retreat in Scotland in October. If at all possible, she would like to bring Sophie, it would be a great bonding moment with her and a good time for her to widen her perspective on the church. Also, she was accepted into a chaplaincy training program which would allow her to legally go into hospitals, some schools, and even prisons to share the good news! We know one of the people who run the chaplain program in Paris for the hospitals, and he would like to have more evangelicals involved.
With all of this in mind, 2019-2020 looks to be a busy year. A blessed year. Please pray for Becky’s good health and we hope to see it last. Please pray for our finances as we are still paying off the wedding. We plan to save up to visit the States next year and we hope to see you and our families. It seems out of reach right now but God is faithful. We are so thankful for you and your prayers and your encouragement.
Love in Jesus,
Mike and Becky
If you feel led to support us, please send checks to:
Calvary Fellowship marked for Mike Dente to:
Calvary Fellowship P.O. Box 128 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043-0128
Please make sure you put in: FOR MIKE DENTE in the note section
Or give electronically at
Please mark FOR MIKE DENTE in the note section.
Or through PayPal at
Our mailing address is:
11 rue Neuve
Dammartin En Serve

Prayer Requests from Missionaries Michael & Jackelin Gaudé
Capilla del Calvario Emanuel Church
Los Cocos, Nicaragua, Central América
Aug 5, 2019
1. We are expecting a team to visit us from Calvary Chapel Paso Robles with Joe Garza to arrive in 2 days. We have planned for an outreach service this Fri and Sat nights, there will be a work project to build a classroom for the children’s ministry. Pray that God blesses while the team is here, and His will is done.
2. We had a wonderful time in the Lord when Karyn Austin and her son Tyler came to visit us. They did help in the ministry here. Both are in Bible College. Pray to God to direct their lives in serving Him.
3. Pray for Rosa Maria and her husband Fabio as they have been planting seeds of division. They are the only members of our church who complain and judge us especially against Jackelin who God is using tremendously. They are prone to gossip. Pray to God to get a hold of them.
4. Our 2 FM broadcast low-power transmitters are both off-line needing repairs. Victor is working on them. Parts may be needed to order.
5. Still waiting for the TELCOR office, regarding our license for our FM broadcast radio station. If approved, there will be fees involved.
6. Baptism at Las Peñitas beach for Yelman, our son Samuel and his cousin Isaac. Pray God has his hand upon all of them.
7. Expenses: We have been conserving electricity because the cost charged per customer has gone up again nationwide. We paid $226 last month, the highest so far. The cost of food has gone up too. We had to get our Honda car repaired again. The microwave oven is going out, it’s old. Please pray God will provide.
8. Cristobal’s neighbors causing problems. He has been able to come to church. Healing for his kidneys. His mother Maria had to quit her job due to her health. God heal and provide for them. We give to them and others in our church as God provides.
9. God supplied, a bad solar panel was replaced, for our water pump system.
10. Pray for David Firth who lives in Texas, fell off his ham radio tower, is doing better, after he recovers, he is to ship us a donation of 5 solar panels and batteries from Blessings for Obedience ministry.
11. 11 Bathroom project at a standstill, also the dormitory rooms. For God to provide in His time.
12. We continue to feed all the children at our church services. Also giving provision foods to each family. Used clothing is given to those in need.
13. Our son William is underweight. Jackelin suffers from digestion. I have chronic fatigue. We serve the Lord no matter what. God’s healing.
14. Sanctions from the USA, Canada & the U.N. against Nicaragua. The reason why the cost of living has increased.
15. We live by faith trusting in God for our financial needs. God has been taking care of us all these years we have been serving him here on the Mission field. Please pray for God’s provision. Know if you donate to us, it's tax-deductible. Thank you.
Please visit our Web site at this link:
Would you like to support this mission in Nicaragua? You can donate as follows:
You can donate online to our missionaries. Click on the link below to donate with your credit card or PayPal account.
To donate to us on-line via Go! Ministries web page, please click on the below link:
Here is our account information for our Missionary account: Gaudé, Michael & Jackelin Los Cocos, Leon, Nicaragua, account # 1139. For an online donation.
You can also donate by sending a personal check or money order in the mail:
Simply make your check or money order payable to “Go! Ministries”* and mail it to:
Go! Ministries
270 East Palais Rd.
Anaheim, CA 92805
*Please do not write the name of us Missionaries in the payable area of the check.
*Please write the account (#1139) and name: Michael Ga udé in the memo area of your check and/or on a post-it sticker along with your check.
· Please pray with us for God to supply our needs according to His will and time. We live by faith and put our trust in Him. And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
· Ham radio schedule every Sunday from 20:00 UTC to 23:00 UTC, on 14.319 MHz +/- QRM on the B.F.O. net, my call sign is YN3M.
Thank you for praying & supporting us here on the Mission field.
Love to all in Jesus
Michael & Jackelin Gaudé & sons Samuel & William
Mike and Becky Dente
Date: August 3, 2019
We hope you are doing well! We wanted to give you a brief update on what’s happening here. We have plunged into summertime, where a good half of the population is camping and the other works until they come back. It creates a favorable context for talking with people as they have more time to discuss what’s on their minds and allows for a more mellow condition for ministry. One of our exciting moments was to see two people from the church leave on a mission! One lady who has been with us for many years, went to Hungary to teach at a kids camp and was able to share the Gospel with those that came. The second is our daughter Emma who is currently with a group of Europeans and Americans organized by the Calvary Fellowship of Mountlake Terrace in Washington. They are evangelizing Ireland and the UK as they make their way to serve at Creation Fest. We were so excited to see God put it on their hearts to step out but even more to see the church get behind them in prayer. We hope that their willingness to go will inspire others and who knows, maybe these young people will one day organize their outreach teams!
Meanwhile, back in Paris, the church is slowing down (as many are on vacation). Every Sunday we welcome quite a few visitors and new people. During the summer we keep to our regular schedule and have more fellowship times. This can be watching a movie and eating together or pic-nicking. Also, we will continue the training for the worship team, while our future elders are staying in contact, sharing prayer time and decisions even though at times we are on separate continents. Summer is also the moment we prayerfully organize and schedule the main events of the year, please pray that everything would be divinely orchestrated.
We have a few projects for this month. The first is for our neighborhood cleanup outreach towards the end of August. We are praying as a church body and are gathering ideas. We will have an organizational meeting on the 18th and then launch out Lord willing on the 25th. Please pray for us. This is the first time we’ve done anything like this, but we are excited to see what God does. In the meantime, we are praying about our organization for the new ministry year. Specifically, how we will welcome our new members (we may have to try two services). Also, Becky is using her administrative gifts to prepare for our first Church Retreat in many years! It looks like we have found a venue, it may be in Brittany in October. As for the teachers, we will have the future elders and Mike split the teachings.
During our downtime, we are trying to spend as much time with Dave and Sophie as possible. Please pray for them that they will grow in their love for Jesus. Dave is starting Junior High this year, so it could be a strategic time for him to grow. We’ve also enjoyed spending time with Abby and Kris as newly-weds. Our prayer for them is they continue to grow in their love for the Lord and each other. It’s a sweet moment for them and we are so thankful we get to share this time with them.
Thank you for your support and your prayers. May God bless you this month!
In Jesus,
Mike and Becky Dente
If you feel led to support us, please send checks to:
Calvary Fellowship marked for Mike Dente to:
Calvary Fellowship P.O. Box 128 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043-0128
Please make sure you put in: FOR MIKE DENTE in the note section
Or give electronically at
Please mark FOR MIKE DENTE in the note section.
Or through PayPal at
Our mailing address is:
11 rue Neuve
Dammartin En Serve
Praying over Emma at church before her mission trip.
We had a sweet visit by Pierre and Nancy Petrignani last Sunday!